Friday, February 28, 2014


Spring break is soon upon us which means I take my very first trip to New York City! Beyond excitement, I find myself googling everything about the over-populated island. First, I wondered about the renowned photos taken in NYC. The same old, same old came up then I found the picture above along with other "random" black and white photos. I fell for this one because it holds so much juxtaposition. It also expresses the differences in people in addition to the irony of the "Learn English" ad behind Mr. Business. As I continued searching I came across 5 Pointz which is similar to the STL Tag Wall. Although it is closed, it was an outdoor art exhibit space in Long Island for graffiti artists around the world to create and express themselves. The colors and artistry is amazing and captures so many thoughts and emotions. Take a look!
5 Pointz
Outside 5 Pointz

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