Wednesday, February 5, 2014

So now the time is here where I actually write my blog. Let's be honest- I have no idea what to write. All that I think of is sitting in a coffee house with a beanie, drinking herbal tea while snapping to insanely personal poems.  100% stereotypical- yes. But by no means am I "hatin'." I actually find these people, or more accurately known as artists, to be so amazingly creative. I sit here wondering how they are going to take me, my blog, my ideas, and my outlook. So really my stereotype is created through a complete fear of judgement.  But isn't that why we stereotype? We are deathly terrified of people being different- not the norm. That is what is so damn beautiful about life; the limitless ambiance of a culture that encourages individuality.  But individuality is a really interesting thing.  It is incredibly special and personal.  I think that is what needs to be highlighted in life.  The individuality of life and people and creations and everything that surrounds us.  So this is the mission of the semester, and possibly the hardest assignment I could have put on my shoulders, to highlight the "pretty of individuality" when we don't see it.  Whether a person or a mere object, everything has a beauty that needs to be seen. Now we will see how this goes; we might even add a little Carrie Bradshaw twist.  Only time will tell.  Here we go. 

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