Saturday, May 10, 2014

Benoit Paille

As the world becomes more and more digital, the masters of Photoshop and Lightroom become more and more crafted at this art.  The new artists to watch seem to be apart of the virtual world of GTA A, video gaming.  Usually the settings you see on your screen while entering the virtual world is optimized by screenshots and a keyboard.  But let's look at Benoit Paille. What makes Benoit so different? He uses a real DSLR camera and then process the images in Lightroom.  He says his goal is to “overlay a material reality with a virtual one, erasing the border between the two worlds. [...] I want to show that we can use a virtual space in conceptual photography and approach these areas with the same sensitivity as the physical space.”  He, without a doubt, takes his photography very seriously and I can't wait to see more of what he has to offer.  Keep an eye out folks!

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